This year the West Belfast Partnership Board Easter School will run virtually from Tuesday 6th – Friday 9th April.
The timetable is published below and the videos will be uploaded to the WBPB Facebook and Twitter pages each day at the times specified on the timetable.
St Mary’s University College have, as always, been a fantastic help and support and it could not have been done without them this year. They have designed the Easter School for and recorded and edited all the videos. Taking in to account feedback from teachers, there are videos recorded by qualified teachers in both Irish and English based on feedback of topics that students need help with. St Mary’s University College students have also recorded tutorials and English and Maths lecturers from the College have recorded short videos about the importance of each subject.
The Easter School, as well as being loaded on to Facebook and Twitter, will be hosted on the St Mary’s College website and all the links will be there for the students to access at any time.
The links are as follows:
St Mary’s University College website:
West Belfast Partnership Board’s Facebook page:
West Belfast Partnership Twitter:
We are delighted to have been able to do the Easter School virtually and to make sure that our young people continue to access additional supports. It is also a great resource for next year’s GCSE students.