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The Mathematics Department in St Mary’s comprises a dedicated and caring team of subject specialist teachers who aim to develop, maintain and stimulate our students’ interest, curiosity and enjoyment in Mathematics.

Each teacher will aim to provide opportunities for students to: develop a deeper understanding of the subject, understand the Mathematics in the world around them, use their mathematical skills creatively through problem solving and investigations in real life contexts, and ultimately achieve their full potential in Mathematics.

The Mathematics Department aims to bring the best out of all students, irrespective of their level of ability, and give them the confidence to use the mathematical skills that they have acquired.

Teaching Staff

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Mr N Smith

Head of Department

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Mr P Gormley

Assistant Head of Department

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Mr A Smyth


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Mrs C McCabe


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Mr G O’Connor


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Mrs C Logan


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Mr M Leydon

Head of Department

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Miss O Convery

Senior Teacher

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Mr T Donnelly


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Mr P Boyle


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Mr T Morgan


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Course Curriculum

Course Outline

The Curriculum at KS3 provides full coverage of the core strands of: Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measures, Probability and Statistics, along with Financial Capability.

The Key Stage 3 Mathematics Curriculum in St. Mary’s is sequenced to build on prior learning, enables a deep understanding of the concepts taught and supports the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning. The carefully considered sequencing of content ensures that students have gained the fluency required to access upcoming units of work. Subsequent units provide ample opportunity for frequent retrieval of prior knowledge by incorporating cross-topic content where appropriate. We have also considered how areas of mathematics progress through the years, ensuring previous work is continually built upon and concepts are developed. Building blocks are signposted throughout so that prior learning can be revisited if required, to allow all students to move forwards with confidence.



Students will complete four formal assessments throughout the year at each Assessment Recording Point (ARP). Each exam will cover the topics that have been taught in class up to that point in the academic year. Students will be provided with a revision list ahead of the exam to support their preparation and promote positive study habits. Following each ARP exam, class teachers will provide feedback to each student, identifying common misconceptions and gaps in knowledge, before supporting students in completing their corrections.

Student progress will be closely monitored between ARPs through informal assessments in class, where each class teacher will actively assess student progress through a variety of low stake methods to check for understanding.

Study/Homework Requirements:

Students will receive approximately two homework tasks per week.  The purpose of Mathematics homework is to support the consolidation of new learning or to recap prior learning from a previous topic. Homework may be set online via MyMaths, or students will be provided with a worksheet to complete.

Key Points To Success:


If you are studying Mathematics at any level, then these websites are a must visit! They are jammed packed full of help, resources and examples, and best of all everything is very clearly arranged and levelled so you are sure to find just the help you need.


Rainforest Maths

Aimed at: Key Stages 3 & 4

If you are in Years 8 to 10, or you are doing the Foundation paper at GCSE, then have a look at this excellent Australian website. It has lots of interactive notes and activities for you to practise your maths and sort any problems out.


BBC BiteSize

Aimed at: All Key Stages

They say the old ones are the best, and this is still probably the best one-stop place to call in for notes, examples, interactive solutions and questions for you to have a go at yourself. Each question has its level next to it, and you can even download a big revision check-list to make sure you there will be no nasty surprises in the exam. What more could you want in a website?



Aimed at: Key stages 3 and 4

Lots of topics in the Revision section, and in the Test Yourself bit you can tackle the following topics – Function Machines, Number Properties, Pythagoras, and Quadratics. The questions are of an interactive nature, and are extremely well laid out. There are also some good games, for when you have earned a break from revision.



InteractiveMaths Puzzles

Aimed at: Key Stages 3

Quite a few decent puzzles covering a wide range of topics. Many puzzles rely on the use of “matching things”. Good for a quick revision of topics, and it shouldn’t give you too much of a headache.



Aimed at: Key Stages 3 and 4

A collection of some of the best and most original maths games around. The website even keeps a record of your progress, and the longer you play, the more you learn.


CCEA have also recommended the following links:




There are many maths apps and games out there. Some of them ask you to do lots of calculations and encourage you to do them fast, which we know can be damaging. Here are highly recommended maths apps and games that teach math visually and conceptually.


  • Refraction

Refraction focuses on teaching fractions and discovering optimal learning pathways for math education. Refraction lets you bend, split, and redirect lasers to power spaceships filled with lost animals! Help free as many animals as you can by expanding your knowledge of fractions.



  • Mathbreakers

This lets you play with math while exploring a 3-D virtual world, filled with number creatures and mathematical machines. It also helps the development of number sense conceptually.


Link to App Website:


  • Wuzzit Trouble

In this app you have to release the creature from jail by turning the gears. It helps you develop number flexibility by using addition, subtraction, factors, multiplication, and othermathematical concepts.

Link to App Website:


  • Dragon Box

Dragon Box teaches you algebra through visuals. You solve for x and have fun doing it. It really encourages algebraic thinking.

Link to App Website:


  • Motion Math

Motion Math has several mini-games that explore number sense, fractions and other mathematical concepts through visual representations, you can really see the math ideas!

Link to App Website:

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