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First Aid

First Aid Training

St. Mary’s is affiliated to Heartstart – this is a British Heart Foundation initiative to teach the public what to do in a life-threatening emergency. Emergency life support is the set of actions needed to keep a person alive in an emergency until professional help arrives.
Classes run once a week at lunchtime for six weeks for Year 13 and 14 pupils. Senior pupils work towards gaining a Level 3 Qualification, completing an assessment dealing with choking, bleeding, suspected heart attack and performing CPR.

The benefits of Heartstart

Pupils gain confidence, by preparing them to cope in an emergency
It increases life skills – Senior students use the qualification to enhance CVs, UCAS applications etc.
The ‘hands-on’ approach means students are easily motivated and learn quickly
Senior students can become involved in peer mentoring – assisting to deliver the course to younger pupils
It is free!
It is fun!

Since the Heartstart programme was introduced in St. Mary’s in 2014, 70 pupils have achieved the Level 3 certificate.
