Home Economics
Home Economics is an interesting, exciting subject which helps to prepare young people for many aspects of adult life. It is taught in a bright, spacious room.
In Year 11 pupils will enjoy a wide range of practical work producing tasty dishes. These can be taken home for family tea or, on occasions, eaten in class. The subject allows for lively class discussions covering a range of subjects of interest to teenagers today. All pupils studying Home Economics have the opportunity to achieve a Food Hygiene Certificate. This is of great benefit for those working part-time in restaurants, coffee shops etc. The subject is a good basis for entering University and Further Education Courses in areas like food technology, caring and catering. You are promised a wide range of hands-on experience.
The subject is designed to enable pupils to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills to make informed decisions which may improve the quality of life for themselves and others. The course is suitable for young people (aged 14+). It provides a motivating qualification with a Northern Ireland dimension and is an excellent foundation for studying at GCSE, A Level and beyond.
Teaching Staff
Course Curriculum
Course Outline
A 12 week course, six weeks theory and six weeks practical cookery.
- Introduction and kitchen rules
- Safety and hygiene in the kitchen
- The ‘Eat Well’ guide
- Breakfast choices
- Roles in the family
- Organisation and time management
- Family conflict issues
- Fruit smoothie
- Fruit salad
- Pancakes
- Cooked breakfast (exam)
- Apple crumble
- Chicken fajitas
An £8 subscription is payable at the beginning of the course to cover costs.
Year 9
A 12 week course, six weeks theory and six weeks practical cookery.
- Food hygiene and storage
- Shopping for food
- Budgeting
- Wise choice of goods
- Healthy eating: fibre
- Healthy eating: low fat
- Healthy eating: low sugar
- One pot pasta
- Vegetarian pizza
- Mediterranean meatballs
- Healthy burger meal (exam)
- Banana and blueberry muffins
- Spaghetti Bolognese
An £8 subscription is payable at the beginning of the course to cover costs.
Year 10
Course lasts 36 weeks, one period per week.
- Nutrition for good health
- Macro and micro nutrients
- Fibre
- Water
- Health issues
- Food choice
- Food safety
- Resource Management
Years 8 and 9
One practical assessment: 30% of total course
- Skills: 5%
- Safety and hygiene: 5%
- Taste: 5%
- Time management: 5%
- Healthy choice: 5%
- Presentation: 5%
One written exam: 30% of total course. All questions are based on theory topics.
Year 10
Year 10 pupils complete four ARP exams during the year. These are made up of multiple choice and long 6 mark questions on the topics studied
Study/Homework Requirements:
Years 8 and 9
Four homework assessments: 10% each.
Year 10
One homework per week: 20 minutes long, three hours of study required in preparation for final exam.
Key Points To Success:
Willingness to learn new skills and an ability to follow instructions and to work as part of a team.