The PSHE Programme
PSHE is Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. The PSHE programme has been designed to ensure that our pupils grow in their self-esteem, resilience, confidence and independence of thought.
Our PSHE programme is central to our curriculum. It aims to develop personal, learning and thinking skills among all of our pupils. There is a dedicated 30 minute PSHE class once a week as well as immersion events throughout the academic year when pupils attend retreats and attend Love for Life workshops (which focus on sex education and healthy relationships) and workshops on resilience. We also have an extensive range of motivational Speakers and outside agencies visiting the school to deliver workshops and talks to all year groups. Many of our motivation speakers are esteemed alumni.
Our programmes include discussions and debate about important issues such as drugs and alcohol education, safe usage of social media, gambling, E Safety, road safety and healthy relationships.