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Online Learning

Online Learning Guidance for Parents

As we continue to work through the COVID 19 Pandemic, unfortunately your son may be asked to isolate at short notice or school may be asked to close again for a period of time. This year St Mary’s has chosen to use Google Classroom as our online learning platform and to prepare for time out of school, we would ask you to read the guidance below to ensure that your son can easily keep up with work if he is in a position where he is learning from home.



We would ask that all parents check that their son can access Google Classroom resources in advance of any absence from school. To do this:

  • Check that your son knows his C2K Username and Password
  • Ask him to log on to his C2K account from home
  • Check to ensure that he can access Google Classroom for all his subjects

Please find attached our ‘Google Classroom Parents’ Guide’ which demonstrates how to access C2K and Google Classroom. It also contains trouble shooting and guidance for parents to help students complete and submit assignments.


  • If your son has any issues accessing his C2K account or the Google Classroom Platform, please email our ICT technician Mr Stephen Smart: [email protected]
  • If your son can access C2K and can see Google Classroom for some subjects but is unable to access a Google Classroom for any other subjects, please contact the subject teachers whose Google Classroom is not available.


Full Class Isolation or School Closure

In the event that your son’s entire class is isolating or if the school is closed:

  • Your son’s teachers will be available online during his normal timetabled periods.
  • We expect your son to log on to Google Classroom during normal school hours and complete and submit any assignments which have been set by his subject teachers.


Individual Student Isolation

If your son is isolating as he has been in contact with a positive case but other members of his class are in school as normal:

  • Your son’s teachers will be teaching in school during normal timetabled periods.
  • Teachers will endeavour to upload class materials and assignments for those who are isolating to help them to keep up to date during their period of isolation.
  • We expect your son to log on to Google Classroom every day and complete and submit any work which has been set by his subject teachers.

Miss O Convery

C2K Co-ordinator

