Friday 20th March 2020,
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Re: School Closed to Students from Monday 23rd March 2020.
I would like thank our parents and guardians for your continued support during this difficult time. You will have seen the announcements yesterday that all schools will be closed from Friday 20th March until further notice. We know this will be a difficult time for parents.
As I explained, teachers will be contacting your son to support his learning using their C2k email. Our staff have provided learning packs and many will communicate using other platforms (Microsoft Teams, Fronter, Google Classroom, etc.) during the school closure. Teachers will be checking emails and will respond to pupil learning queries as required during our school timetabled hours.
We are still awaiting guidance on public examinations. We will be advised by CCEA in due course and will keep you update with any information the school receives in relation to this.
The evidence from other countries would suggest that we have difficult days ahead. Please God we will all remain well. As a school community we are praying for those who have been directly affected by the Covid-19 and the many medical professionals at the forefront of treating this virus.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Siobhan Kelly