End of term letter from the Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians and Boys
As the term closes today for the Easter break, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the overwhelming support shown to the school.
Remote learning is certainly interesting and a steep learning curve for everyone. The boys have responded to remote learning exceptionally well. A huge thank you to the staff who are fulfilling their teacher responsibilities and managing their own family commitments as well. Please continue to keep in contact with staff. We are all happy to help.
This year’s Easter holidays will not be ‘normal’ but please try and have some down-time. In St. Mary’s we would like to reiterate the message ‘Stay safe, Stay at home’. In this way we will be helping our families and also protecting the lives of others.
Remote learning will begin again on Monday 20th April.
We wish you and your loved ones a very happy Easter.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Siobhan Kelly Principal