School Counselling Service
Young people in Northern Ireland were already exhibiting high levels of anxiety before the outbreak of Covid-19 and many of them are now very concerned for themselves, family or friends. For young people a period of lockdown of public services and social distancing will be extremely testing and may lead to further anxiety.
Our school counselling service provider, Familyworks, will continue to provide counselling to young people during this time of school closures through:
- Secure Online 1-1 Video Calling Counselling
- Telephone Counselling
Young people and parents/guardians can find out more about Familyworks online or via telephone:
Telephone: 028 9182 1721
Familyworks will be operating an online referral process. Students have already received communication from Mrs Barr and Mrs Crookes, regarding counselling services and a listing of useful contact numbers published by EA. Students can of course continue to email Mrs Barr directly for any counselling requests.
Our Familyworks counsellors, Caroline Graham and Natalie McManus, will endeavour to support St Mary’s students and be available on Wednesdays and Fridays to maintain continuity of care, although this will be dependent upon the level of demand placed upon the service.