Dear Parent or Guardian,
I want to update you on our amended plans for this week following developments as the Coronavirus situation has evolved over the weekend.
I have been in contact with our Board of Governors and Trustees today. We have decided to move the planned Staff INSET days from Term three (20/4/20 and 25/5/20) and take them this week instead. I also have applied for one ‘Exceptional Closure Day’ from Department of Education.
The plan for this week is as follows:
Wednesday 18th March
Staff INSET (Staff only, pupils do not attend)
Thursday 19th March
Staff INSET (Staff only, pupils do not attend)
Friday 20th March
Exceptional Closure – (Staff only, pupils do not attend)
The students should remain at home and continue with their studies using the work already given to them by their class teachers. Additionally, teachers may be sending work to your son electronically.
I will continue to communicate regularly as the situation develops.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Siobhan Kelly