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BBC NI GCSE Results Programme

18th August 2020

Just a reminder about the BBC NI GCSE Results programme, which is live at 2pm tomorrow (19th), with lots of advice for pupils and parents. It will be available to watch on BBC NI’s Facebook page and on the BBC NI homepage.

Could you please share this tweet and FB post with info about the programme on your school social media pages?

Also, please see the email below from my colleague Angie who is producing this programme. We would love to get a few short videos in from your students regarding any questions they would like answered by our experts around the results, next steps etc. Angie has all the relevant info in her email below and in the attached docs.


It’s Angeline from BBC NI.

We have a live programmes coming from Broadcasting House in Belfast on August 19th about next options after pupils’ get their GCSE results – we’ll be looking at everything from A Levels to Apprenticeships. The broadcast goes live at 2 pm and we are really keen on getting young people to record a video question to be played out during the programme, it can easily be done on their mobile phone.

We did the same thing for A Levels last week and you can take a look on iPlayer here.

How to

Please remember to read the guidance beforehand as it will help to take the best possible film for the broadcast. Could I ask you not to use your surname in introductions as it may breach the editorial guidance we have around identifying young people (Starting it with something like “Hi, I’m Angie from …” etc.)

Please feel free to send us a few takes via to my email ([email protected]). If you’re having difficulties doing this, please feel free to Whatsapp it to me via +447515897907 and if possible by Tuesday morning.

We can’t guarantee we’ll be able to play all the videos out on the day due to timing issues, but we will aim to get you a response from our panel if this is the case.

I’ve also attached a permission slip for a parent or guardian to sign – you can call me anytime if there are any issues.

BBC Learning Consent form GCSE programme

Results Day filming document

Many thanks,


Angeline Tandon

Digital and Learning

Profile Pic


Raymond Herron
Senior Teacher
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