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27th May 2021


Covid-19 Lockdown and School RESTARTs –

IMPACT on emotional wellbeing and mental health

The Assembly Committee for Education is currently examining how the COVID-19 lockdown, school closures and restarts has impacted the emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people. While the Committee has heard from a range of education and health professionals in recent months about the impact of lockdown on children and young people, we are keen that you are provided with the opportunity to tell your own story and have your voice heard.

We would like to invite you to take part in one or both of the following activities:

Young PEOPLE’s stakeholder event (16+)

Zoom, 6pm-8pm, Wednesday 2nd June 2021

Are you aged 16 or over? Would you like the opportunity to share how the COVID-19 lockdown, school closures and restarts has impacted the emotional wellbeing and mental health of you or those around you?  If so, the Committee for Education would like to invite you to attend ‘Your Life and Learning in Lockdown’ Young People’s Stakeholder event. The event will take place on Zoom, 6pm-8pm, Wednesday 2nd June 2021.

This is your opportunity to tell politicians about your personal experiences, share your thoughts on how things could have been done better, and how they could be improved now and in the future.

For further information and to book a place in this event click here

Arts Project

‘My Life and Learning in Lockdown’


Give your views to the Committee, through a piece of artwork, photograph, poem or short story

You also have an option to showcase, through the arts, how you feel COVID-19 has impacted on your life.  The Committee would like you to share some personal reflections through art, photography, poetry or a short story.

For further information on this arts project for children and young people and how to make a submission click here.

If you have any questions on the young person’s stakeholder event or the arts project do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]

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Raymond Herron
Senior Teacher
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