The Year 10 Options process for 2022 has been launched.
Presentations which detailed relevant information on the Options process were delivered to Year 10 pupils last Friday, 28th January 2022. Year 10 pupils received their Options forms and booklets during Form Period on Monday 1st February.
Recorded versions of the presentations are now available for Year 10 parents and pupils to view.
The first video contains all the information that pupils need to know about the Options process, while the second video describes what pupils should try to keep in mind from a Careers perspective when choosing subjects. Please ensure you watch both videos fully.
This week, Year 10 pupils will receive talks and information on the new subjects that are offered at GCSE level to assist them in their decision making process.
All Options Forms are to be returned to Year 10 form teachers no later than Friday 11th February.
If the videos do not open on your device, you may need to download an MP4 video player app to enable you to view these.
Links to these information videos are listed below: